"It's not worth doing something unless you were doing something that someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren't doing. - Terry Pratchett"
Gertjan Filarski's face

Personal details

Name: Gerrit Jan (Gertjan) Filarski
Country: the Netherlands, Europe
Email: gertjan[circular thingy]filarski[dot thingy]com
Year of birth: 1976
Nationality: Dutch


I implement new technology in collection management, heritage, and academic research, mostly within the social sciences & humanities. I do not believe in technology pushes of fill-in-your-latest-buzzword-here. My main concern is the impact of digital innovation on an organisation, its processes, and above all: its people. This means that I must be able to constantly explain what new value a particular new technology truly adds.

In my career I have chosen range over specialisation. I hold a degree in business economics but am not a financial controller; I have been programming and building computers since childhood but am not a trained software engineer; and I studied medieval history without becoming a scholar. That wide ranging background enables me to translate between specialists.

I can switch between engineers and researchers, between domain experts and the managers who direct them, people in primary and supporting processes, and between executive and supervisory boards. My style of communication is clear, transparent, and open, and I strongly believe in the (maybe Dutch?) habit of calling a spade a spade. I do so with ample amount of humour and try not to take myself too seriously.

After working several spells in highly commercial roles I always seem to drift back to research and heritage. I hold a deep appreciation for these fields, and I get excited when I see new technology like e.g., handwritten-text-recognition or knowledge graphs, help improve our understanding of what makes us human.

My time in corporate environments does provide me with more of a business mindset than typically found in the academic and heritage sectors. I consider myself a ‘public entrepreneur’: using commercial methods to serve a public cause. It enables me to come up with creative solutions and allows me to help people to work together across the traditional boundaries of departments, sectors, domains and siloes.

Professional experience

2021- Self Employed – Filarski Consultancy
Single Origin (start-up 2021, San Francisco, USA) provides a service that helps users to find the semantic overlap in large numbers of SQL statements from different databases. The application standardises (parts of) these queries issued by different departments and people. This helps to significantly improve the value of business metrics.
I was responsible for:
The KNAW is the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Amsterdam, NL) and is the national society for excellent scientific research in the Netherlands. The organisation also serves as an umbrella for many academic institutes and research facilities, and as scientific advisory body for Dutch government.
For the KNAW I mapped the current state of information security in the social sciences & humanities – particularly within the cluster of its three humanities institutes. The report included a risk analysis with specific and real threats, and the outline of a plan of action. Based on the report, the organisation initiated a project to improve its information security.
    KNAW Humanities Cluster – Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
    2010 – 2018 Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands
    CTO (2015 – 2018)
    DEPUTY CTO (2013 – 2014)
    • Coordination of the development strategy among various (inter)national universities and partners.
    • Supervision on supplier SLAs.
    • Responsible for the implementation of SCRUM and Agile methods.
    • Member of the management team.
    SR. & LEAD ENGINEER (2010 – 2013)
    2008 – 2010 LEAD ENGINEER
    Admonitus Credit Management
    2006 – 2008 SR. SOFTWARE ENGINEER
    Calendis Financial Service Centre
    2004 – 2006 SOFTWARE ENGINEER
    BBSA Web Solutions
    1999 – 2004 SOFTWARE ENGINEER
    AIMS Financial Interim Management
    1996 – 1999 DATA EDITOR
    PDC - Parliamentary Documentation Centre

    Highlights: publications & presentations

    2019 Reassembling the Republic of Letters in the Digital Age: Standards, Systems, Scholarship; eds. Hotson, H. & T. Wallnig, Göttingen University Press.
    • Co-author chapter "Events" with N. Jefferies & T. Stäcker; p.159-171.
    • Co-author chapter Letter Model with H. Hotson, N. Jefferies, C. Kudella, M. Lewis, T. Stäcker & T. Wallnig; p.171-193
    • Co-author chapter Exchanging Metadata with A. Bosse, H. Hotson, N. Jefferies, & T. Stäcker; p.281-299.
    2019 Member of the international advisory panel CLaDA-BG (Sofia, Bulgaria)
    2019 Ambassador European Time Machine consortium (Dresden, Germany)
    2019 Speaker Tribunal Archives as Digital Research Facility (Dutch only) at NIOD (Amsterdam, NL)
    2018 Speaker TORCH (Oxford, UK)
    2018 Speaker DBpedia (Vienna, Austria)
    2018 Speaker CLARIN Annual Conference 2018 (Pisa, Italy)
    2017 Speaker COST CONNECT Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era (Brussels, Belgium)
    2017 Speaker DH Benelux 2017 (Utrecht, NL)

    Other activities

    2009 – 2011 Member executive board of the Van Oosbree-foundation (Dutch only)
    2007 – 2012 Editor youth work support, Apostolic Society (Dutch only)

    Degrees, education and relevant training

    2004 – 2008 History at the University of Leiden, specialisation late medieval religious development and proto-reformation
    1994 – 1999 HEAO Business Economics at The Hague University of Applied Sciences
    1989 – 1994 Senior general secondary education (HAVO)

    Recent relevant training Incompany LEAN green belt (Dutch only); SCRUM-master; Liberating Structures; a year-long intensive coaching leadership training at Leadership Solutions in 2018.